Portal milling machine type Mattec 100-25

  • Portal milling machine Mattec 100-25

Customer industry:
Contract manufacture for general machine and plant construction

Existing process:
Rejection of orders

Problem definition:
This customer was already in possession of two Mattec portal milling machines with lower travel ranges and intended to further enhance his market position in the area of large part contract manufacture.

SIRtec solution:
Construction of a portal milling machine according to customer requirements

Customer benefit:
In the future, the customer will also be able to process larger parts, thus strengthening his marketing position.

Technical specifications of the portal milling machine type Mattec 100-25

Travel ranges
X = 10.500 mm
Y = 3.700 mm
Z = 1.500 mm

Mounting surface
12.000 x 4.900 mm

Main spindle
10 kW power
3.000 rpm
160 Nm torque
short taper ISO 40
2-axes swivel head with hydraulic draw-in

Heidenhain TNC 530