Portal milling machine type Mattec 130-10-30
Customer industry:
General machine and plant construction
Existing process:
Production with a plano milling maschine (X=8.000 mm)
Problem definition:
There is no possibility to process a major order with follow-up orders, because the plano milling machine does not have enough travel range in the X-axis and machining in the 5. axis is not possible.
SIRtec solution:
Cost-effective construction of a very narrow but long portal milling machine
Customer benefit:
The order can be processed, thus enhancing the order situation and strengthening the market position.
Technical specifications of the portal milling machine Typ Mattec 130-10-30
Travel ranges
X = 13.500 mm
Y = 1.600 mm (gantry clearance 1.200 mm)
Z = 1.100 mm
Mounting surface
14.500 x 1.000 mm
Main spindle
15 kW power
4.000 rpm
350 Nm torque up to 400 rps
short taper ISO 69871 SK50
orthogonal head 90/90° 2,5° automatic
Automatic tool changer
tool magazine capacity 31 tools
Heidenhain iTNC 530